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2022: The State of Connectivity in Home-Based Care

As a provider during an unprecedented time for home-based care, you understand the demands of balancing daily responsibilities in a rapidly changing field, along with the need to keep track of important healthcare trends and issues that can affect your long-term success.

Forcura’s industry report, “2022: The State of Connectivity in Home-Based Care,” is your guide for a year that will see continued reliance on, and expectations from, this sector – particularly Home Health and Hospice – as more patients with acute conditions are able to seek care outside of traditional settings. Reflecting data from a survey of your peers and Forcura’s own proprietary information, this report quantifies the readiness of home-based care providers for a value-based economy, as well as the challenges they face as they look to invest their technology dollars.


What Is Covered In The Report:


A construct of care developed by McKinsey & Company, in which mature healthcare ecosystems are enabled by technology and typically have three components: infrastructure, intelligence, and engagement

Insights on home-based providers’ current technology and their perceptions regarding its importance moving forward

What are motivators to accelerate the inclusion of home-based providers in better-established ecosystems?

Additional context with proprietary data showing how the home-based sector is operating within the dynamics of disruption to the entire care continuum

Gain Answers To These Questions


How are your home-based peers investing their tech dollars today, and where will they invest tomorrow?
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How far has the industry progressed regarding the standardization of data and interoperability?

What matters most to compete in a value-based care economy?