Forcura Blog

How to Track Patient Referrals

Written by Forcura | May 30, 2023 5:57:34 PM

At a fundamental level, the process of tracking patient referrals involves managing the transfer of referrals from one healthcare provider to another, gathering patient demographic and insurance details, scheduling appointments, and overseeing authorizations and pre-certifications for services, among other tasks.

Why is tracking patient referrals important?

Accurate tracking of referrals enables the entire healthcare team to coordinate more effectively and maintain organization while dealing with patients, both clinically and administratively. Consequently, everyone can access the necessary information at any time, facilitating the provision of quality care and prompt resolution of any issues that may arise during the referral process.

When patient referrals are not properly tracked, it can lead to delays in care or services due to a lack of communication between providers and administrative staff. This can result in patient dissatisfaction and the potential for medical errors due to overlooked or missing details.

In the current era of information accessibility, healthcare providers can receive patient data through various means, such as fax services, portals, phone calls, and even physical deliveries. This increases the likelihood of staff creating duplicate referrals or accepting referrals that do not align with the organization's capabilities. Such scenarios can cause unnecessary frustration and stress for caregivers and patients alike. Hence, healthcare organizations require reliable tracking systems to combat these issues effectively.

Recommended tools for tracking referrals

In the past, healthcare organizations could manage patient care adequately using manual processes, basic office management software on computers, or a combination of the two. However, modern standards of federal compliance and increasing patient volumes demand more sophisticated methods than a simple Excel spreadsheet or patient log. Contemporary patient referral tracking systems must seamlessly integrate with an organization's digital ecosystem, including electronic health records (EHRs) and other productivity tools. This integration ensures efficient, consistent, and secure delivery of quality care to patients. Additionally, since many spreadsheet tools lack built-in security measures, improper storage or sharing of protected health information could lead to HIPAA violations or data breaches, posing risks to practices.

Dedicated task management and automation tools not only offer functionalities equivalent to spreadsheets but also provide additional features, such as:

  • Workflow and process automation

  • Automated patient follow-up tasks

  • Tracking of tasks and to-do lists with individual or team assignees

  • One-time or recurring due dates

  • Task history and audit trail

  • Escalation of tasks if not completed on time

  • Structured workflows with accountability for the care team

  • Task priority levels, file attachments, comments, and custom statuses

  • Secure integrations with EHRs and other administrative tools

  • Form automation for intake and referral forms to facilitate collaboration across organizations

Ensuring the success of your patient referral tracking system

The healthcare industry has become increasingly competitive in recent years, underscoring the importance of patient referral tracking software. It not only helps attract and retain patients but also facilitates collaboration among providers for improved care. Investing in such software is a wise decision, as it can help connect your providers effectively, manage revenue and expenses, and ensure an optimal continuum of care.

Establish a network of providers

To develop successful tracking in a patient referral program, it is crucial to create a database of provider profiles. This database will be utilized in workflows to seamlessly match patients' needs with suitable providers within the network. For instance, when a patient has a new condition, instead of the patient conducting research and seeking an out-of-network provider, the primary care physician can recommend an in-network care team.

Developing a workflow that matches patients with the most appropriate providers and ensures successful appointments is the key to generating downstream revenue. Communication with the patient and the receiving specialist is also vital throughout the process. Various outreach methods, such as email, text, or phone calls, can be employed to guide patients through the referral and provider- or facility-matching process.

Building a provider network also presents an opportunity to educate your immediate and extended teams, gaining their support. Clearly communicate the benefits of in-network referrals, emphasizing enhanced patient care and improved revenue management. By highlighting the significance of patient referral tracking to your provider team, you can contribute to the overall health of your organization.

Generate actionable insights

Providers must measure the effectiveness of their referral program process to gauge its success. An issue commonly faced across industries, including healthcare, is having an overwhelming amount of data without actionable insights. That is why the ability to analyze data and create actionable insights is one of the most critical features of patient referral tracking software.

By measuring the referral program process, you can identify patients who stay within a specific provider or healthcare system. It is also important to track referrals in cases where patients are referred out of the network, as this leads to "leakage" or revenue loss associated with referrals outside the network. Additionally, you may explore more detailed analysis by cross-referencing publicly available quality data with provider ratings to gain deeper insights into why patients choose particular providers or health systems.

Maintain effective communication with patients and providers

Traditionally, patient referral programs have been passive, with primary care providers simply informing patients that they need to see a specialist or undergo specific tests. Subsequently, the specialist's office may or may not contact the patient to proceed with the next steps, leaving the responsibility entirely on the patient to follow through.

Patient referral tracking is an ongoing process that necessitates collaboration among healthcare teams from various departments. While this requires effort, employing the right referral-tracking software can streamline the process. It also presents an opportunity for regular communication with other providers and patients, which is crucial for improving outcomes, increasing satisfaction, and enabling more coordinated care management.

Establish consistency in patient referral program tracking

To maintain compliance with federal standards, healthcare organizations should regularly assess their referral tracking processes. The following steps can help achieve this:

  • Form a work group involving all staff members involved in the referral tracking process.

  • Evaluate the existing referral tracking process to reflect current affairs rather than relying on assumptions.

  • Review the organization's Referral Tracking and Laboratory/Diagnostic Testing Policies to ensure alignment between documented procedures and current practices. These policies should address various aspects, including referral initiation, urgency level, clinical information, appointment scheduling, referral tracking responsibilities, continuity of care, patient follow-up, and missed appointments.

  • Leverage technology to reduce staff burden and facilitate a seamless process. Many Electronic Health Records include referral tracking modules that staff can utilize.

  • Ensure proper closure of the referral loop by utilizing health center resources to contact referral providers and track the status of referrals.

  • Incorporate referral tracking metrics into the Quality Management Program to identify any process gaps.

Already have a tracking system in place for your patient referral program? Evaluate its effectiveness

Ensure you're using the appropriate platform

The initial step involves evaluating your current patient referral process, including the referral tracking software being used by providers. Seek feedback from your team regarding their frequency of use and their likes and dislikes about the current platform. Look for areas where improvements can be made. For instance, consider whether the referral process is complex or manual, as healthcare professionals often face time constraints, and navigating between isolated platforms consumes valuable time that could be dedicated to patients.

After gathering feedback and assessing your requirements, search for provider relationship management software capable of supporting patient referrals, multi-channel referrals, and full-cycle tracking from initial opportunity to ongoing patients. This will simplify the user experience in patient management and expedite the onboarding process for your team. Here are the key features to look for:

Centralized source of information

As physicians and care teams increasingly become part of larger healthcare networks, having a centralized platform to track referrals becomes invaluable. It provides a central hub for data, enabling all teams to collaborate more effectively in patient outreach and care.

Referral management dashboards

Comprehensive yet well-organized dashboards are essential, offering visibility into each referral episode and the status of subsequent steps. Managers and authorized users should have access to a digital record of key process steps, such as referral entry, acknowledgment, patient contact, and appointment confirmation. This enables providers to grasp important information and make necessary changes as needed quickly.


An effective referral tracking software should allow easy creation of email campaigns and other workflows. This helps you stay informed about the progress of patients in their healthcare journey while keeping them engaged. For example, after a visit, patients can be enrolled in email workflows where the provider team can send relevant correspondence about upcoming appointments, new providers, and useful resources. By ensuring patients receive accurate information from a trusted source instead of relying on their own internet searches, you foster trust in your healthcare organization. Workflows also enable keeping track of engagement, referral status, and assignment of follow-up tasks to evaluate patient satisfaction and identify additional referral opportunities. All these aspects work together to keep patients and providers connected, ultimately enhancing trust in your healthcare organization.

Forcura is a trusted partner for tracking your patient referrals

Forcura, a healthcare workflow management company, enables home-based care providers to streamline incoming patient information and coordinate ongoing patient care resulting in improved business performance.

With Forcura’s robust platform, your staff will be equipped with cutting-edge tools that not only increase efficiency but provide intelligence regarding which referrals match your organization's needs. It starts with one inbox, which gives your intake team the ability to keep track of all referrals from various sources, regardless of method or format. Patient demographics and critical referral data elements automatically generate within Forcura, saving employees significant time manually keying information. With such key data as referral sources and payers readily available, staff will be empowered to make appropriate decisions regarding acceptance or denial based on your organization's priorities or business rules.

Check out Forcura today to see how your care teams will benefit from enhanced referral tracking and processing that helps build provider relationships, reduces errors, and produces timely insights that impact your bottom line and establishes your home-based care business as a provider of choice.