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Forcura Insights

From regulatory guidance and back-office efficiency, to revenue cycle management and innovation in healthcare, our team shares our experiences and expertise through this blog.

Is Your Organization Facing Technology Changes?  Learn How To Manage These Properly And Gain Optimal ROI

Headlines in the home-based care industry are plentiful these days with news of M&A activity, and...

Topics: Maximizing Back-office Efficiency

How to Change Your Revenue Cycle Management

Change begins with a basic awareness that your current actions are not producing the results you...

Topics: Maximizing Back-office Efficiency, Revenue Cycle Management

Industry Leaders Share Winning Wisdom For In-Home Care Providers

For three leaders in the post-acute care industry who participated ina recent webinar, the answer...

Topics: healthcare, in home care, healthcare tech

Examples of Care Coordination Plans

Care coordination plans are essential for ensuring that all a patient's care needs, from medical...

Topics: Care Coordination, healthcare

What is Care Coordination and Why is It Important?

With the rapid changes in health care needs in the past few years alone, it's more important than...

Topics: Care Coordination, healthcare

Understanding HIPAA Software Requirements

Digital technology has brought tremendous growth and opportunity to the healthcare industry. Major...

Topics: healthcare, HIPAA, software

Revenue cycle management automation | What You Need to Know

For businesses to be successful, they must develop revenue cycle processes. This is a prescribed...

The First Step to a Virtuous (and More Lucrative) Circle

Forcura Circle is an e-signature solution that is really catching on among signing providers around...

Revenue Cycle Management Healthcare Guide | What You Need to Know

With healthcare organizations, revenue comes from various sources – health insurance companies,...

What is Revenue Cycle Management? | What You Need to Know

In healthcare, revenue cycle management (or RCM) refers to all the administrative and clinical...

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