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Annie Erstling

Annie Erstling is Chief Strategy Officer at Forcura. In this role she is responsible for driving growth and oversees the company's strategic planning, product innovation, marketing and strategic partnerships. Annie is passionate about the real impact that data and the free flow of communication in healthcare can have on improving the patient experience and driving better outcomes.

Recent Posts

Patients Will Bear the Steepest Consequences of Proposed Cuts to Home Health

Note: This article previously appeared as an op-ed in the Aug. 11, 2022 edition of MedCity News.

Promise Kept: Patient Onboarding Time Cut in Half

To say that 2020 has been a year like no other for the post-acute care industry is accurate…yet the...

Annie Erstling, Forcura’s CSO, Puts Prestigious Stevie Award in Perspective

Annie was recently recognized for her outstanding achievements as a strategic innovator and leader...

Rehab Therapy Providers’ Solution for Reducing Medicare Audit Risk

While rehabilitative therapy providers who treat Medicare Part B patients know they must comply...

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Themes from Our First Connect Summit: How Will They Play Out?

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No Better Time for AI in Healthcare

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Exploring the Impact of the CARES Act on Home Health and Hospice

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The Hidden Perks of PDGM

Transformative. Game-Changing. Disruptive. Long-Lasting. Plus some words I can’t repeat here. I’ve...

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The Home Health Industry Must Mobilize Its Workforce Now

The home health industry is at an inflection point requiring providers to do more with less and...

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How Post-Acute Providers Can Thrive Under Payment Reform

Under my previous employer, one of the largest and most successful single-state Blue plans in the...

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